Current build status of HCLib: Build Status


HCLib source code can be checked out from GitHub here: HCLib

git clone

git checkout resource_workers


Installing jsmn

Installing OpenSHMEM

There are several versions of OpenSHMEM that you can install on your system, depending on what kind of hardware you have and what do you want to use as the communication layer. You can find out a lot more about it at Here we describe the simplest installation process of OpenSHMEM on top of OpenMPI.

There is a handy script in the scripts/ directory that will fetch and install OpenSHMEM on top of OpenMPI and all the dependencies. Make sure your $(CC) environment variable is pointing to a GCC 4.8.4 or later or CLang 3.5 or later when running this script.

After you have succefully installed OpenSHMEM, set the environment variable OPENSHMEM_INSTALL to point to the installation directory of your OpenSHMEM installation, and add $OPENHMEM_INSTALL/bin to your PATH variable.

Installing HCLib

HClib follows your standard bootstrap, configure, and make installation procedure. An script is provided for your convenience that will build and install HClib. Simply run the script to install:


By default, HClib will be installed to $PWD/hclib-install. If you want to use a different installation location, you can override the INSTALL_PREFIX environment variable:

INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/local ./

Likewise, if you would like to use C/C++ compiler other than the system defaults, then you can specify them using the CC and CXX environment variables. For example, if you want to use the Intel compilers:

CC=icc CXX=icpc ./

You will need to set the HCLIB_ROOT environment variable to point to your HClib installation directory. You can automatically set this variable after installation by sourcing the script. For example, assuming HClib was installed with INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/local:

source /opt/local/bin/

Installing OpenSHMEM module for HCLib

If you want to use OpenSHMEM as the communication layer for a distributed execution of HCLib, you’ll have to build the OpenSHMEM module for HCLib.

Assuming you have an OpenSHMEM installation by following the instructions above for OpenSHMEM on top of OpenMPI and have set the OPENSHMEM_INSTALL variable correctly, then all you need to do is:

cd modules/system; make


cd modules/openshmem; make

After that, add modules/system/lib and modules/openshmem/lib to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable.


The main regression tests for HClib are in the test/c and test/cpp folders. The scripts in each of those folders will automatically build and run all test cases.

Static Checks

As part of the development workflow for HClib, any newly committed code should be checked using standard static checking tools.

In particular, run cppcheck on all modified files. cppcheck is available online at [1]. cppcheck should be run by cd-ing to tools/cppcheck and executing the script from there (this assumes cppcheck is on your path). Any new errors printed by cppcheck should be addressed before committing.

You should also run astyle on all modified files. astyle is a source code auto-formatter. Simply cd to tools/astyle and execute the script from there. This assumes you have astyle installed and it is on your path.
